We’re your FREE research department. Save yourself hours of web searching. We can help you find products that people will keep and use.
You can TRUST us. We’ve been around for 33 years. Have great connections. We CAN make it happen. And you don’t have to babysit us!
We want to KNOW our accounts. We’ll be your logo police.
We’re happy to EDUCATE. We want you to know the latest trends ... and how our industry works. Those of us who sell to the end user are all "distributors." So when you find another company on the Internet, it is most often one of our competitors and they are using the same resources we are. Unless your quantity is 50,000 units or more, you are probably not going factory direct.
We work SMART. Going to a trade show? We’ll ship there and save you time and money. Your artwork is delivered to suppliers free of defects and conforming to the industry’s sm@rt Artwork Readiness Guidelines. (if you start us out with vector artwork and fonts saved to outlines)
SPECIAL OFFERS? Let us know your wish list and we’ll send you updates.
PROJECT STATUS? We send you electronic order acknowledgments, proofs, tracking info and invoice on every order. Automatically.
Celebrate our 33rd anniversary with us by sending us a referral. You’ll get a FREE SET UP good for up to $50 for everyone you send our way.
It might matter to you ... we’re a WOMAN-OWNED business. And have papers from WA state & the Feds to prove it.
TRENDS? We’re up to speed. Fidget Spinners. Yes, we have all types. They're fun and a fad. So jump on now before we move to the next thing. Color of the year for 2017? Pantone says it’s a green color calledGREENERY.That means you'll see more products in that color family. Put your logo on those items for a fresh, current look. Eco-friendly reusable bags just continue to expand as a category with a million options. Health-related items like pedometers, hand sanitizers and lip balm show you care. Supporting a cause? Lots of pink and red for breast cancer and heart health awareness.